Friday, April 9, 2010

Lateral Thinking

Edward de Bono
Human mind can only process a small amount of information at a given time.
Given too much data, the mind breaks apart the data into segments and processes them independently. Some points get overlooked - and then never get looked at again.
The order of this processing is key in determining the resulting cognitive model that is formed about the information.

2 inputs can be held in the mind. They cannot remain separate indefinitely, they will form a connection. Holding them in the mind is key. Instant dismissal is the norm for 2 inputs that do not connect natively.
(Have a coke and a smile - smile is a graphical representation of happiness; Apple's advertising is to combine simplicity with its products - product placed on white background - white background (empty) is graphical representation of simple)

Names: combine different units together. Without a name the units dissolve back into pieces.
-accelerate the process of familiarity and fixing (the concept in the mind)

Polarization establishes categories and reactions to them. They are permanent. New data is categorized and bucketed into the existing categories - new categories are never essential. Allows us to work with little information.

From Jeremy Wolfe MIT Phych 101
4 Objects can be held in the mind -but  each object can have a depth of information attached to it.
About 12-18 basic feature dimensions:
Weight/ Thickness
Completeness (circle vs. 3/4 circle)
Straightness (vs. curvature)
Shading - shadow direction?

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