Thursday, April 15, 2010


Story generation is not accidental.  Stories begin in the product design process by asking the following question:  What experiences do we want our customers to have and what problems can we solve to enable these experiences.

In the marketing effort, this question changes a bit to:  What experiences do we want our customers to have and how do our product's features enable these experiences for customers.

Once the story becomes part of the product design and the marketing efforts, it will create the core of the messaging that transforms the stories into a brand.  Get the stories, communicate the messaging and build the brand.  It is a process of consistent and persistent messaging that all of sales, management or anyone with customer interactions contributes to by feeding back proof points in the form of case studies and anecdotes of real-world customers experiences.  With a well designed storyline, your customer-facing employees will know what to look for and be better able to provide feedback to the marketing team in support of brand creation.

Elements of a story: Character, something special about the character, problem, a unique fix to the problem that utilizes the character's special ability and a conclusion
Emotional connections made by making the problem or special characteristic similar to the audience.

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